"Every man dances with the bride (holding his coat open to expose his shirt, to show he has brought no weapon to such a joyous occasion) and this is a good time for the bride to collect money (buste) in her borsa. The men all kiss the bride too! Meanwhile the groom allows his tie to be cut in pieces, which he sells to the guests. (Some say this is to help pay for the honeymoon, others that it simply pays for the band.) " I am really excited ;)
cosa è???la data del mio 32esimo compleanno? L'indipendenza della Finlandia? o qualcos'altro....???
milestone = matrimonio = wedding
Production Release? :D
It's the planning complete, implementation start milestone.
Don't be late, or you lose the bonus. :)
Augurissimi ragazzi!
Curioso che nello stesso giorno in cui la Finlandia festeggia l'indipendenza e la liberta', tu inizi la prigionia :-)
E ti renderai conto che quando a scuola studiavi in educazione civica: "l'uomo e' un essere libero", erano tutte str...
Lo dico per motivarti ovviamente :-)
Tanti auguri ragazzi, sono davvero contento!
Un abbraccio da tutti noi!
Michele & famiglia
"Every man dances with the bride (holding his coat open to expose his shirt, to show he has brought no weapon to such a joyous occasion) and this is a good time for the bride to collect money (buste) in her borsa. The men all kiss the bride too! Meanwhile the groom allows his tie to be cut in pieces, which he sells to the guests. (Some say this is to help pay for the honeymoon, others that it simply pays for the band.)
" I am really excited ;)
Ma ti sei calcolato le WBS inerenti.
Ricorda che il gannt è per sempre.
Ma aggiornamenti sui preparaativi non se ne possono avere?? :-))
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