Thursday, December 21, 2006


Were you missing me?
Don’t worry: here I am, with some new delicatessen from the canteen.
A couple of days ago we had the Christmas lunch, and they proposed me the Italian salad!


I don’t remember exactly the ingredients, but it was made of pasta (overcooked, of course), mayonnaise, peppers and something else.
I’ve never seen something like that in my country…

Never mind, Christmas is coming and I’m going to spend some time in Italy, where I guess I’ll have the opportunity to experience some “different” food.
Talking about Italian food, yesterday I brought in the office a pandoro (if you don’t know what it is please go to Wikipedia); it was funny and surprising to see how a thing which is so common for me can be completely obscure to persons from other countries: a colleague of mine initially thought it was some kind of internet music service!

To all of you, my readers, happy Christmas and Happy 2007!

o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o

Vi mancavo?
Non vi preoccupate: sono qui, pronto a mostrarvi nuove squisitezze dalla mensa.
Un paio di giorni fa abbiamo avuto il pranzo di Natale, e mi hanno proposto l’insalata italiana!
Non ricordo esattamente gli ingredienti, ma c’erano pasta (scotta, naturalmente), maionese, peperoni e qualcos’altro.
Mai visto niente di simile nel mio Paese…

Ma non ci pensiamo: Natale sta arrivando ed io passerò qualche giorno in Italia, dove immagino avrò la possibilità di provare cibo “diverso”.
A proposito di cibo italiano, ieri ho portato in ufficio un pandoro; è stato divertente e sorprendente vedere come qualcosa così normale per me possa risultare completamente oscura a persone di altri Paesi: un mio collega dal nome pensava si trattasse di un servizio di musica su internet!

A tutti voi, miei lettori, buon Natale e felice 2007!


Blogger Valentina said...

e certo....che non conosci il sito PANDORA....??? è un Internet Radio
Chissà come ci è arrivato un Pandoro ad Helsinki?

6:38 PM  
Blogger daniels said...

Oh yes, I remember that. Quite dire. At least the food wasn't quite as bad as usual, though. I think my 'favourites' have been the smoked haddock and peach pizza (ugggggghhh), 'gordon bleu' (cordon bleu, but with fish), the liquid lasagna (I tried that, it was too awful to eat; too much pepper -- Stefano told the kitchen staff that it was not lasagna but an insult to his country, with lots of 'Katso!'), sautéed game (guess the meat!), that black pasta on Halloween, creamy Finnish potato hash, Finnish potato hash with anchovy ...

Oh, and fish, stuffed with shrimp, and fried. What the hell?

I usually steer clear of the stuff in the bain marie and go for the vegetarian option, or the grill. It's usually not half as bad.

See you in Sydney!

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried italian pata????
Not bad, BUT nothing like any italian food. :D

11:19 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

What's Italian pata?

9:43 PM  

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